Page 47 - Showers of Divine Grace
P. 47
then the form of remembrance gets changed, and this we know on moving beyond it. `One is unaware to the extent that he is aware'. (JISKO JITHNA HOSH HAI UTNA HI WAH BEHOSH HAI.) It will be premature to reveal it. The tidings of this, on arriving at that state, will come when one automatically starts trying to reach it, by oneself. The simple fact of the matter, anyway, remains that whatever is there, be surrendered to Him. `If the Lord be had at the cost of your head, you should know the bargain as quite cheap. (Sheesh diye yadi Hari mile, tho bhi sasta jaan.) The sages of yore have regarded the state of acceptance of and happiness in Lord's will, as surrender. Now I give a prescription: ‘Yearning' pure and simple to reach Him and Him alone! If the real thing is not there to begin with, just imitate it. If someone continually imitates a mad person, he is bound to go mad. Even so, if man continues to reach the Lord (Ultimate), the real is bound to be his lot, at last. Amen.