Page 19 - Three Truths - Trillion Doubts - Volume -II
P. 19

The way of your meditation is wrong. Why should you attempt to consciously control the fleeting thoughts? When they are fleeting as you say what is the need to hold them which are going off. You have some anticipated condition in your mind and the problem is that only. If you meditate on the divine light without luminosity the problem should not be there.
42. For the last two weeks, during Morning Meditations, I have been consciously trying to delink from the thoughts of office and orient more to the Master which is improving now.
I do not think that is the method given to us to follow and for your innovations, you are responsible. The Brahmin in you tries to be always a doer and that is the problem. Learn at least now to meditate properly as advised by the institution on the lines given by the Master.
43. The predominant thought about self is that let it exhibit or represent the Master as Thy willeth. I have just started to understand and perceive the thoughts pertaining to the concept of Kshetra and Khsetrajna. Let this be His field is the predominant thought.
The words of Gita which are quoting I think do not find place in the works of the Master. Even if it does I think your understanding of the same is rather poor. Understand the system as given by the Master rather than fooling yourself with odd and pseudo scholarship.
44. Now I am meditating every day between 6AM to 7AM Attending to point B meditation and continuing with meditation proper. There is a feeling of helplessness.
Helplessness as a general condition is good and it is not good when we are in meditation because at that time we are in the presence of the Master consciously. Kindly note the difference.
45. During Morning Meditations, the predominant feeling is, as if I am in a sheet of calmness with a feeling of coolness deep inside and tranquility. Also there is a feeling of expansion with a feeling of lightness, purity and remembrance of the Master.
It is not clear whether this is on a particular day or what you felt during the months in general. Anyway they are good conditions though no clear cut

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