Page 218 - Three Truths - Trillion Doubts - Volume -II
P. 218

Master? You may try to be more precise. There are many things we have to attend to as a matter of duty. They need to be prioritized and then you know what and when to do any act.
3. Seeking master’s help in sadhana was missing earlier. Have started with a sincere heart in seeking His help, I feel much better now.
This is again a meaningless statement. You are supposed to do your sadhana as prescribed. Who ever asked you to seek Masters’ help in this regard. His help is received through Pranahuti during individual sittings and satsangh. In daily practice what is it that you expect from Him. It is your duty and your duty alone at that time.
4. Lately it seems to me that we must fully apply ourselves in sadhana & in day to daily life. Although there is more in play yet only self-effort is what I can put in.
I do not understand what you mean. How can any one succeed in any walk of life without doing his duty? The method of doing the practice is explained in detail and if you have any doubts you may consult your trainer locally available over there.
More on Duty:
1. It is only when self centredness gives way and Master centredness gains firm foot in our thinking and acting you can be said to have developed true understanding of the sense of duty.
2. It is our duty to turn to spiritual ways of life. It is our duty to go beyond the selfish concerns and take a global perspective. The problem is not that of your country or my country: it is the mental disease of the modern man from which he has to turn around and take a more holistic approach. What if some one ridicules us, if only our cause is going to win finally? Think over and you will get the answers.
3. It is our duty to do our part and leave the rest to Master.
4. It is true that we are busy and we should be. Attending to spiritual needs and seeking spiritual progress is no less duty. As a matter of fact Master stated that it is the primary duty of man to realise. So you need to set your priorities alright.

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