About - ISRC

Uniqueness of the System

There are several specific features of ISRC that set it apart from other meditation systems.

  • Pranahuti or transmission is the most unique feature of the system of Rajayoga of Sri Ramchandra Connecting to the ultimate from the beginning
  • Continuous support of Master
  • Easy and simple to practice
  • All around Happiness and Development of Holistic approach
  • Ultimate goal is God Realisation within one life  and Realisation is to become a real man.
  • System offers us the possibility of spiritual evolution to the highest extent within the framework of our natural, everyday lives. It is in the context of family life .
  • Effectiveness of point A and Point B. Resulting in Control of our wondering tendencies and desieres and urges.

Key Benefits

Greater harmony in all walks of life
All round happiness and peace not only to oneself but all around
A life of contentment and total dedication to the cause of humanity in general.