The silencing of mental vrittis when developed to the stage of negation is an indication to show that inner vacuumisation has commenced. The material science of the present age strongly affirms that absolute vacuum can never be possible. Some of the air does remain even after the vacuumisation has been effected to its full capacity. I shall interpret this scientific theory in my own way. Whatever remains after the vacuumisation has been effected to its full capacity is its real essence, and it is immensely strong and powerful. This power can well be utilised for the construction of destructive weapons of the deadliest type. It is also of immense value for our spiritual purpose. When a man creates such a vacuum in himself he becomes so highly powerful that even a slight motion of his will can bring forth greatest results. But few seem to be prepared to have it from me. My intense longing to find one who might be prepared to have it in full does not so far seem to bear fruit. None seem to like to have a brief pleasure trip to the dreary and desolate expanse of the divine, which but few might have access to. There is no end whatsoever to it. Negation is not the final end and even this is not our ultimate goal, which is far, far beyond Bhuma or the Ultimate. (SS-374,375)
The attainment of complete negation means vacuumisation up to its farthest limit, though complete vacuum can never be possible under any circumstances. The forgetful state of negation may however be taken as total negation. It is immensely forceful, as is not even possessed by the great avatars. The great power thus acquired cannot be challenged even by gods like Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. That is the usual course followed under our system, Sahaj Marg. By gradual steps an abhyasi begins to proceed towards vacuumisation from the very beginning. But, for this purpose a proper guide is absolutely essential. (SS-173)